Presentation at TinyCamperCarsBecome part of the community and introduce your Tinycamper to us. ☺️Bitte aktiviere JavaScript in deinem Browser, um dieses Formular fertigzustellen.Bitte aktiviere JavaScript in deinem Browser, um dieses Formular fertigzustellen.Name *E-Mail-Address *Instagram Handle Instagram be your Home CountryBrand and Model *Your Car's NicknameWhat makes your camper special? *Funfact 1 *Funfact 2 *Funfact 3 *What can't be missing? *What is completely unnecessary? *Team-Shovel oder Team-Toilet? *Team ShovelTeam ToiletBoth(Please choose one option)What is your toilet solution?Feel free to tell us more about your 'bathroom'Kitchen inside or outside? *Kitchen insideKitchen outsideBoth(Please choose one option)What is your cooking solution?Feel free to tell us more about your kitchen. *I hereby agree that my details and pictures may be used on the pages of Tinycampercars.Get My Camper Intro on the Road!